Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Moon Phase?

So i just got this anime, Called Moon Phase, apparently it is about this little girl vampire :o but i know nothing else about this anime. I was wondering if it was any good and what other people thought about it. I am going to watch it though since i did get it already and it the was the value pack for the whole series. So i got it, since i didn't have anyone tell me which anime was good or not, can someone fill me in?

Monday, August 5, 2013

Anime, Is it Life? oh wait... IT IS!

What is anime? Well to the normal Dictionary, this is what anime stands for

Japanese movie and television animation, often having a science fiction theme and sometimes including violent or explicitly sexual material.

However to people, it really is/can be Heaven. Anime is amazing in so many ways and has so much more difference then a normal cartoon would be, anime should not be mistaken for a cartoon. It really is not the same!

so what is the difference between anime and a Cartoon then? Well here is a explanation using Adventure time!

Country of origin is 1 of the most notable things, but aside from that, anime is more stylized with common character designs and facial structures, detailed backgrounds, and a plot. Also there are many genre of anime from children's anime to adult anime (hentai). Cartoons tend to be made to appeal to little kids by making the characters look deformed and having no point to the story. 

Anime, has a lot of hidden talents to it, Take Dragon ball Z for an Example!

Love anime, Live it, Laugh with it, but never laugh at it.




It's Dwarfin' Time